Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Anecdote #10

I will not be talking about any experiences time. This post or piece of writing is an ode to my mother.
The beauty of her face is now hidden behind lines and wrinkles but her aura exudes strength and courage. I see her everyday sitting right in front of me, sleeping next to me and always standing beside me. I wish and sincerely hope that she never has to face troubled times, that agony never penetrates her being. That is not in my hands and that is what irks me the most. You may say that none of this can be decided by me but my mother is my world and I cannot watch my world crumble.I want to have the power to do the best for her, to give her the joy and happiness that I die to see and shield her from the testing times. She has faced and dealt with each phase of her life so valiantly. She is my soldier. Her presence is enough to calm my nerves. This brave front of her's is commendable but I want my chirpy and lively mother back. Hasn't it been enough? When would a time come when the hardships would subside. I understand that life is incomplete without any tribulations but if they constantly trouble you then the soul gets scarred.
I cannot change a person's destiny nor can I change the course of their journey but I can pray for their good. I do not feel it to be right to disclose my mother' story. I would only encourage  people to give unconditional love and respect to those who help them survive in this world which has a dark side to it. Not all are faced with it. There are some who later can never fully recover. I am proud to say that my mother is a fighter. She has taught me to never quit and to wish well for everybody. I am blessed to have her.
Sometimes I wonder whether darkness welcomes light, if the dark night sky prepares itself to allow the stars to shine. I would then say to my star, shine bright.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Anecdote #9

The ninth post. It feels like an accomplishment. I feel that eventually I can proclaim the title of a blogger. I had an eventful day starting with a workout which left me feeling vitalised and I was ready to roll. My friend and I had made plans to go out for lunch and so we hit the road. The place we decided to lunch  is called 'Social' in Hauz Khas. I was very keen on visiting the place as a movie was shot there as well. It was a typical summer lunch with a couple of cool drinks and light food. The view from our seat was picturesque which was hardly expected due to the shady entrance. Our conversations were delightful, just letting all our feelings pour out and recounting past experiences. The food was on point,  satiating our appetite. The waiter was a sweet guy who was obsessed about cleanliness. He came every other second to clean up the mess we had made. His obsession  was something we couldn't help laughing over. It was as though he would just appear out of nowhere and when we actually needed him, he vanished. Sweet guy. In no time our bellies were full.My friend went to visit the washroom as we were about to leave and I got a chance to chat with the hostess and she explained the process of the shooting of the movie, 'Tamasha.' I was so interested that I went around and saw the exact places where the movie was shot She went on enthusiastically keeping me immersed in the conversation. I will not be able to forget that lady easily with her eyelids painted black and her lips a bright shade of pink.It was not just her appearance but the kindness she spoke with. It felt like a privilege to talk to her and know her. I left with a smile hoping to come again.  Later we just casually walked around observing the people around us. We took shelter in a park at the end of the road and talked about the kind of people we saw.
We were all smiles and were observing at the people around us. It feels so overwhelming to be surrounded with people who's energies are at different wavelengths. The whole experience of it was quite amusing. Our eyes danced along the scenery and we laughed like children. The memories I captured are stored in my heart. It was a lovely day which brought in a load of different experiences.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Anecdote #8

The latest is that I have been turned into a gym addict.Maybe it is too soon to say that but my father introduced me to gymming only yesterday and I have to say the whole experience is incredible. Breaking into  sweat, pushing yourself to do more and feeling fit.This in itself is empowering. I also swam which is an integral part of my summer. My father put me in the pool when I was just a year old and I have been swimming ever since. The water is magical and cools me down. It has a tranquillising effect. It leaves a sensation which I can recollect each time I close my eyes. The blue tiles of the pool reflect the light lazily in the summer. Sometimes on my belly as I stand still in the  water or at the bottom of the pool where I try to capture the light by reaching for it with my hand and swimming towards it.
After the refreshing swim, I rested for a few minutes. Right next to me was a family of three , a mother and her two children. She went to get something and asked her children to stay put. The sister made sure her little brother was comfortable. She went and got him a fresh towel, changed the old one and pushed his chair in the right place. She really cared for him and she went out of the way to help him.It is through actions that we are able to see and feel love. What I saw today was heartwarming. A smile sprang up on my face.  I felt the warmth inside of me. An act of goodness and kindness can really make your day.
There was another spectacle at the pool.A middle-aged woman was hanging out with a fairly younger guy. I had spotted them chatting casually with one other when I had arrived and that's probably what it was. A casual fling. They were happy with each other and in all probability it was quite momentary.From what I could see it was not love by any chance but only attraction. Attraction in itself is quite powerful, the occasional elevating heartbeat and flirting which makes it all the more addictive. Well then again how should I know, I am only a teenager aren't I? But I do know this that momentary happiness leads to a lot of bitterness when love is lost. It is the bittersweet truth and it all depends on you. Who knows how the flavours might come out for you.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Anecdote #7

These days as my holidays are on I truthfully do just about nothing. I watched the World T20 match last night but went  to bed when I knew we were going to lose. What do people do when they have a lot of time on their hands, you might say they get busy and start doing some kind of work but those who are like me value and practice the art of doing nothing. I sit and think. I look out of the window and cannot help but feel pensive. I can almost feel myself drift into another space.
These thoughts are valuable to me, it is in these moments that I find solutions. It is hard to always wear a smile,even if you do it seems pretentious. You cannot help but feel unhappy sometimes. You are drowned in your sorrow, engulfing you into a pit filled with darkness. Stop going through your mistakes because there is  no hiding from the fact that you will be making more. The emotions you have caged for so long need to exit your being. 
We don't run this world, we are a part of it. Learn to live in it gracefully. Forgive yourself, be supportive of another, express your concerns but don't be discouraging.Pray for those in pain and for those who lost happiness. Respect the people who found happiness in the darkest of times. Be grateful for all the love and light and most of all learn to let go. Let go of those memories which haunt you, the love that you lost and know that whatever happened was to mould you into a better person. People like different things and you are not here to please anyone. All of us play by our own rules and I do believe that somewhere inside of us we know what we must and need to do.It is not that we don't know we are taking the wrong step, our conscience pricks at us the each time we dwindle. Be true to your self, that's the best gift you will ever give to yourself. Your soul is the most precious thing you have. Let it heal and learn to care for it.