Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Anecdote #6

If you remember, I talked about how unproductive my life has been these days.Well today I did some cooking and baking. Lately my mother has been obsessing over the importance of learning to cook and I had nothing on my hands so I decided to bake. The whole process of baking is very exact. It is like walking over mines, everything has to be in the right proportion otherwise it will fall apart. This is a fundamental rule of life as well. A perfect mix and balance of emotions and self control will make everything easier.The noise in our mind needs to be silenced. Do you ever feel the anticipation while going through photo albums,trying to recollect the past. The past shapes our present but our future relies on what we do now.
I look back a lot. I have a habit of wanting to relive the past and somehow I find that very unhealthy. One of the reasons I started this blog was to concentrate on the present. I feel this urgency while I type on my keypad to do something, to meet my expectations and achieve my goals. It has been much harder than I thought it to be. It feels like impossible to come out in the and talk about one's feelings. Through this platform I have been able to express a lot which has helped get rid of a lot negativity. I don't know what took me so long to step up  and take another step. Keep your expectations realistic or else you will not be able to fulfil those aspirations which  you initially were capable of achieving. Be who you are and embrace your true self, you will inevitably get tired from running from yourself. Stop and cater do your soul's needs. Whenever you feel like you've lost the plot. Take some time off and if you can't afford to do that then use whatever time you have left on your hands to hear your inner voice by relaxing and praying. Believe me that is equivalent to chicken soup for your soul.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Anecdote #5

Another day has come and gone, another story has ended. If we try to capture our everyday life we can weave such a beautiful story. I watch my grandparents and their friendly spats, when my Dada craves for another scoop of ice cream and my Dadi turns him down. The way he tries to woo and please her, it is all so amusing. We often look up to other people's lives and deem them to be perfect and we aspire  to be like that but there is nothing like a picture perfect life. If we learn to live and accept the hardships we face in life and by some way learn to stay positive then by all means I think that is perfection.
Today I did a lot of cleaning. Clearing out all my old books and clothes, which in a way cleared my mind of all the clutter. While I was clearing out my school stuff, I thought of a friend of mine and decided to catch up with her in the evening. I felt the heaviness escape from my mind and I felt lighter. It feels great to just let go and talk about one's feelings, if you ask me it is therapeutic. Suppressed emotions can make you feel burdened and out of place.You feel like a lost piece of a puzzle, waiting to be put back into place. A phrase from the book,'Three Men in a Boat,' epitomises this which says,'Throw the lumber over man!' Enjoy the beauty that resides all around you which is in nature and the people in your life.
Learn to pick up the best of things from people. The flaws they have may overpower the goodness in them. If we only look at the bad then we won't have anybody to be with. Appreciate even their smallest act of goodness because in the darkest of times, the good we see and feel ignites the spark of hope. Remember the present is supreme , the past and future came after it. Try to look for joy and warmth in all this noise and clutter. Take a moment to identify your passion and give it time, it will surely lead you to the path of realisation as it will help you get in touch with your soul. Turn away from the negativity and embrace the positive aspects of you your life.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Anecdote #4

Today I did a lot of thinking and nothing else. I happened to realise something. Fear is a form of inhibition. At least for people like me. I am at my best when I feel confident. I feel that I can be an achiever when I am free of fear and anxiety. It just consumes you and leaves you feeling so frustrated and out of control. In fact, it leads to all sorts of mental and emotional violence.There is one quote I truly connect with which says that the other side of fear is freedom.
The other thing I thought about was people. There are different kinds of people we come cross. There are some people who we may admire and this admiration may sometimes lead to ignoring their faults. We start liking some people so much that we conveniently abstain from accepting their negative traits. Later when their actions hurt us it hits us badly that this was partly our own fault. I think, over everybody else we must listen to ourselves. We talk about ethics and morality but so very often we forget that the basis of all this, is being true to ourselves. Nobody can be a better judge, we just need to find ourselves in the midst of all this confusion. Invest in only those relationships where people value you otherwise don't waste your energy and love on people who don't look back. That will help you grow as a person.
There are so many times that  teenagers or for that matter even grown ups fall for the wrong person. We fall deeper and deeper into a pit of sadness and emptiness. It feels as though the other person can control us somehow with all their games and manipulation. Be strong. Fall down only to lift yourself. It is never true that you won't be able to find someone. Maybe you won't have that strong connection again but it is better to have a friend in your partner, who perceives how you feel and knows what you stand for.
Then there are those who never fail to irritate you with their banter and demanding tone. These people are those who like to be right always and you can literally never prove them to be wrong. I have only one thing to suggest. Stay away. Maintain some sort of distance from these people because they can bring out the worst in you. They are extremely intrusive and nosy as well which honestly sometimes makes me want to break their face but I try to keep it cool. Be nice to them but don't get too close my friend, trust me you will lash out badly one day.
Overall it was a lot of thinking and I realised must try and do some work or get involved with some activity because the only kind of work I am doing is mental. I want to be good and hope to spread the message of goodness. Think about how you can bring a smile to other people's faces and that will genuinely bring you happiness, pure childlike happiness.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Anecdote #3

I had the day to myself today. I woke up at 9 but lazed around in bed upto 10:30 AM. My mother gave me breakfast and she gave me a glass of milk which is left untouched by my bedside until now. I was having a blissful time in front of the television when the electricity went away.The help at our home has also been away so there was nobody in the house except my mom and I. We chatted for a while and I couldn't help but feel nostalgic. Delving back into the pleasant memories of the past can bring so much joy. The times my mom and I used to spend together back in grade 8, talking about general stuff. Things were much simpler back then. I think we have a habit of complicating our lives by taking certain decisions whose impact is felt until much later. We have such great expectations of ourselves that we forget to make most of what we have at present. It doesn't take much to be happy, it only requires your firm decision and consent to only look and enjoy the positive aspects of your life and take the rest as it comes.Keep your doors open to people who you enjoy being with and trust me nothing will make you happier.
In no time I was hungry and hogged down the leftover Chinese food from the previous night. I was so full that going up to my room felt like a task. I rested for a while and helped my mother water the plants. This in itself is a very refreshing activity, watching the leaves getting clean, the purity in the smell of wet soil and some of the water splashing on your legs leaving a tingling sensation. Being together with my mother and spending quality time has in a way made this weekend very enjoyable. In the evening when we went to buy groceries ,on the way back we had lic lollies. My mind immediately rushed back, first back to grade 7 when I used to survive the summer only by eating these and then I was taken back to the time when I was extremely young. Every morning my mother and I used to drive up to the local market where she used to buy groceries and I used to be treated to a lic lolly.These memories dawn upon you like realisation, helping you dwell over a lot of decisions you have taken and the way you stood up to situations.
Today was a walk down memory lane, it was simple yet memorable. It is only when we appreciate the simplicity of our lives that we will be able to rise above ourselves.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Anecdote #2

It was the day of the festival of colours better known as 'Holi.' I had plans with a friend cum neighbour. I was expected at 10:00 AM but I turned up a little late. In my defence it was a little early. The morning started with a hearty breakfast of aloo paranthas. I reached Dadi's place and enjoyed some time with them. It was 10:30 and I thought I should get going but her entire family was there. I was a bit reluctant and found solace in promising myself to wait for just another five minutes. This went on till eleven 'o' clock.
When we reach adolescence we often feel that our horizons have expanded. It is at this age we feel a new sense of freedom. At the same moment the child in us is also quite persistent. We realise this when we feel shy or when we have strong opinions about certain issues but know that if we voice them our morality would be questioned by the society.
At that moment I was feeling under confident and embarrassed as I looked quite comical with oil rubbed in every possible corner of my body by my beloved mother. Another reason was that I have always been a shy person and facing other people has always made me uncomfortable. After giving myself a pep talk I propped myself up and headed over to her house. There were a few pleasantries and of course the grand photo session for which my father rushed out, clicked away and  circulated the pictures to every possible person in the family.
We headed over to the rain dance where all the uncles and aunties were boisterously showing their moves. I tried to take some inspiration from them but sadly I wasn't as good. They were in another league with their gyrations. Later, my friend had plans of meeting up with her classmates at her friend's place and convinced  me to come over. We needed to be dropped over but quite ironically her parents were not be found. Still drenched , thanks to the rain dance we went all over the colony looking for them. There we were, my friend, perturbed and annoyed with her parents , her brother and cousin who were not robbed of the holi spirit, my friend's friend(this description is slightly longer than I expected) who was fervently participating in the search and there I was covering myself with a towel and finding this search quite amusing. I had a lot of fun watching all kinds of people hanging around. Everybody had their own way of celebrating, some were dancing,  others were chatting and just generally keeping it cool. I guess these mixed energies seeped into me and in no time I was in high spirits. We couldn't find my friend's parents but nonetheless I enjoyed myself immensely. After all happiness cannot be measured, it is only these moments that we remember for a lifetime.

Anecdote #1

I would like to start by stating this very well known proverb that an idle mind is a devil's workshop. It yearns to work and think so that it can explore and fathom the depths of creativity. I will be penning or in this case typing my amusing life experiences. I feel that writing relieves stress and a lot of negativity which persists in the human mind, so here i am to relieve my stress in hopes that I can relieve some of yours too! Here we go with the first post.

I started the day by waking up at 8:30 AM which is not bad timing for me. I got ready by 10 and you must be wondering what took so long and the answer to that is, honestly I don't know how it takes so long. I have a general theory about time. Time flies. It is like the ocean, sometimes the waves are so harsh that they drain out all the hope you have and sometimes it is so smooth that you feel nothing but pure bliss and tranquility.
I had plans with my paternal grandmother , who I  most lovingly call 'Dadi,' to go to the mall. The previous day ,we had a conversation on spending quality time together, I called dibs on going somewhere like a garden so that I could focus on writing peacefully but I  could hear the reluctance in her voice. We decided to go to the mall. So by 12:15 PM Dadi and I were in the car ready to explore the mall. Well not really, I just wanted to pick some stuff, have lunch and leave. That was the plan.
Before I could walk into the store I liked, Dadi wanted to check out some bags at this cool store which ideally, in my opinion is for youngsters. I do appreciate her enthusiasm but at the same time I find it extremely funny. I can just feel the laughter which is about erupt from my belly. The salespeople try to catch my eye but the fact is that their customer is the swanky old lady with the boy cut and leather purse. To my utter surprise Dadi ji didn't like anything and we got to shop for me.  We finished in about an hour and by that time my shoe started biting me. So there I was half limping and with half of my foot out of the shoe trying to look for pots for my Dadi. She is a nature lover and when I was a kid she would help me climb trees. A few days back one of her acquaintances identified me as, 'The Kid Who Used To Climb Trees,' which was a little unpleasant as I was walking on the road and somewhere out of the blue this is what I get in exchange of a pleasant greeting.
We reached back home by 3 ( which a total guess because again , I lost track of time) and I resorted to watching television when in the evening I couldn't help but think about something.
I have always wanted to write something and put it out there for people to read and share but somehow I never did it. Today was the day I took the plunge and perhaps it was a decision I would have never taken without the support of my parents. My mother who spent all of today's evening giving me inputs and ideas and my father who gave me all the inputs relating to the technological aspects over the phone.  Here it is my friends, my first post and I better hope it is not the last.