Saturday, May 30, 2020

Anecdote #54

The bright and blazing sun was kind enough to shine upon Cambridge. The final week had commenced and the last round of excursions began. That day our itinerary included a visit to the Polar Museum. Though we were very pumped to go, it turned out to be a 20 minute long walk. We thought we’d be too tired to explore the museum but the solace of the air conditioning was our main source of respite.When we regained our energy to explore the exhibits, the historian in me came back to life and I assimilated all that was around me.The museum not only had models of kayaks which historically were the primary mode of transport and videos of the polar region but real life items from expeditions. 
Honestly, the space in which the museum was built was absolutely charming. It was cosy but it managed to capture the essence of the poles in a heavily British manner. The feel was of an English tea room especially due to the spacing of all the galleries and hallways.After half an hour of exploring the museum, we headed back. It’s quite strange that whenever we’re returning from a place the distance seems much shorter compared to when we were going!
The subsequent afternoon was dedicated to our classes. We had a three hour session and the professor covered a wide range of topics such as the relationship between American and British Intelligence as well as famous spies who came out of Cambridge. Quite interestingly we got to know that Hollywood ensembles such as Bond were inspired by some of these real life heroes! I was enthralled by the session and couldn't wait to share all that I had learnt with my friends. When they finally got done with their classes and we met up for dinner  updated each other about our day.  Our assessments were due on Friday so we had to get going with our preparations We stayed up that night and studied in the lobby of Cripps Court. On the right hand of the lobby was a lounge area where there were extremely comfy sofas. There was no to disturb us and we could spend two hours on studies.We wrapped up in two hours and while we were there, our Junior Dean Danny Pan spotted us. He was probably going out and was not expecting to encounter any students. He gotten taken aback to see us that late and was red with embarrassment. It was understandable that he did not want to see his students to see him go out at night which made the situation even more comical. While he was leaving we continued to flash mischievous smiles at each other embarrassing him further. We even tried to trespass into the teacher's quarters after he left, just for the thrill. By then we were completely hysterical acting more like teenagers rather than adults.Our antics would not have ended unless the caretaker asked us to leave. Frankly it was late and we definitely needed to energise ourselves for the next day, after all we had a lot more laughing to do.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Anecdote #53

Just when I thought I had quit writing, I find myself at this page again. Last year I had my mind fixed on only one goal which is still my main ambition but I left my blog at the cost of that.

My knack for writing comes from my father who was very regular with his pieces but like me became disillusioned with the pen.

 It is probably the other way around, like my father I became disillusioned with writing.

So why come back now, when my aim in life is not be a writer?

It is because I forgot what writing did to me. I forgot how cathartic the process was, I forgot how effortlessly it came to me and mostly I forgot that it is a gift which I did not cherish.

After pestering my father incessantly to get back to writing I realised the irony of the situation and I found myself logging into my page again.

First things first, let us bring the Cambridge journey to an end.

My last post ended with some wishful thinking. I really wished for a dorm at Cripps Court as I wanted to be around my friends Urmeen and Manmeen. Both of them were aware of my concerns as well so we hatched a plan to write to the Dean, Amanda. I called my father and the strategy was that he would write to Amanda while I convinced the counselor, Ellen on ground.
While I made my plea my father penned the perfect mail and guess what by the afternoon I got a single suite with an attached bathroom at Cripps Court!
I was ecstatic but had very little time to process the information as I was given a limited window to settle into the new room. I ran with Urmeen to my old dorm almost a kilometer away and we began packing my suitcases.
The two of us not only packed my luggage which included a separate suitcase just full of Indian food but lugged it down two stories of the building and on top of that carried it all the way back to Cripps Court!

It was a tiring task and without Urmeen it definitely would not have been possible.

Now that I was all unpacked, the happiness finally kicked in! I could finally go to the mess in casuals and lounge with my girls!
That day was definitely incredible for me, adding to my already lifted spirits there was a fun quiz held in the evening where the three of us all along with Danny (if you have read my previous posts you'll recognise him) were clubbed in a team. To make the quiz more interesting we named our team Danny's Prodigies. But surprisingly the person who had the most answers was Danny.
He completely exceeded our expectations and we stood second in the quiz!

All the activity in evening had gotten the three of us in a supremely great mood. We chatted endlessly for hours on and enjoyed Jasmine tea together in the verandah. The pleasant weather, hot tea and beautiful company gave me indescribable peace.

It was that day I realised that the simplest pleasures are the most memorable ones and good hearted people can be the best source of comfort when family is not around.