Monday, October 8, 2018

Anecdote #32

 People change and grow over time and go through a journey of attachment and detachment. Often the pressures of life get to them and they begin questioning themselves at each step of the way. Somewhere in the midst of this hustle and bustle they lose their emotional bearings. The subconscious hides these insecurities and individuals are just too occupied on gadgets, with the stresses of their lives and dealing with rapid changes when this overcomes them.
Many a times I have not felt like myself but I didn't have the luxury of taking a break and exploring my inner self. Most of us don't have that liberty. There is a constant pressure of doing and being better and these expectations are not accompanied with empathy. So during this process you may just lose yourself no matter how much you try to stop this with conscious efforts. This time around I'm not going to ask you to stop, breathe, step back and move at your own pace because if you want to make it big in life, you need to keep working hard. I do not mean to say that all of us should become workaholics and bite off more than we can chew but this self pitying attitude will push you towards a downward spiral.
If your past is questionable, stop looking back and start making your future secure. People will always talk, I'm sure that a lot of people who I used to know don't think highly of me or perhaps do not like the content of my posts but this is the path I have chosen so I might as well tread on this journey according to my rules. Make your rules, set your own boundaries and be confident about them.  
We get attached to people so easily and love using the tag of best friends and being social butterflies. However it is very important to remember that the people who mean the world to you can cause your biggest downfall. Be a balanced soul because even though you're life may seem boring, you'll be able to sift the good from the bad very easily and make decisions that will get you somewhere as a human being.


  1. The essence of hard work lies in the discipline with which it is executed. I admire your discipline and wish I had the same. Good Luck and God Speed. Love Mama

  2. I love reading your blogs, you write so well!
    Love you Ananya, lots of love and power to you always :*

  3. Bold and Beautiful, Normal is Boring, but you are more than normal.... extraordinaire
